Sessions & Oracle Divinations

Intuitive/Spiritual Guidance, Divinvation, and coaching with Aya Iworiosa

Session offerings include: one-on-one virtual sessions with Aya (online or by phone) or divinations that are recorded and delivered to you. She utilizes various levels of intuitive guidance, divination, empathetic listening, and coaching in all of her sessions. Session Offerings intend to help you manifest your desires, break unwanted patterns, release blocks, heal your heart, learn practices to support your divine power, and develop your relationship with Nature, Spirit, and Ancestors (or however you perceive the energies that support you.) Aya holds a warm and grounded environment during sessions for you to feel safe and free to engage with whatever arises.  To learn more about Aya Iworiosa, please visit the About Page.

One -On -One Sessions With Aya


    This session offering is for you if you would like to reserve my time to: follow up on a previous session, drop in for extra support, pick my brain, need a a empathic listener, get simple questions answered, receive guidance on upcoming decisions and clarity seeking. *Divination is not available for this session.

    30 mins ✧ $90

  • Intuitive Guidance & Oracle Divination

    This session offering supports you in creating clarity, healing, manifestation and empowerment. There is a remedy for anything that is challenging you right now. This session is designed for breakthroughs, energy clearing, and spiritual healing. Oracle Card Divination included.

    75 mins ✧ $276

  • Deep Dive

    This session offering is a two hour personal workshop. The session begins with and in depth 4:12 Oracle Divination Spread *. In addition to this reading you will receive. energy clearing, and guidance or coaching. Aya will share specific energetic or Spiritual practices, ceremony, and/or ritual that will help you manifest your desires, get clarity on your journey, and remove blocks.

    2 hrs ✧ $441

Oracle Divinations Recorded and Delivered

  • Three Card Pull

    This offering is for those who have a an inquiry on one specific question/issue they are seeking guidance on . You will receive recorded guidance drawn from an oracle divination based on your inquiry. Generally recordings will be around 15 minutes.


  • Oracle Card Divination

    This session offering is for those who are seeking clarity and answers about what is going on in their life. We consult the cards to become aware of spiritual support that will help you on your path as well as become aware of and clear any blocks holding you back. You will be prompted to ask your questions, Aya will complete a reading and deliver the recording to you. Generally the recording will be about 25 minutes.


  • 4:12 Oracle Divination Spread*

    This session offering is for you if you would like an in depth divined reading that engages with every aspect of your inquiry, possible breakthroughs, and offers short and long term solutions. This reading pulls back the veil on the path ahead and offer clarity and outstanding guidance for the receiver. Generally the recording will be about 45 minutes.


An Oracle Card Spread is the way or pattern the reader/diviner/oracle lays cards out in order to perceive information from them. Spreads range from commonly known patterns to spreads that are unique to the reader. Many readers also utilize other objects to assist them in their readings like : crystals, natural objects, water, candles, etc. The 4:12 Oracle Divination Spread is a unique spread created by Aya Iworiosa attuned to her Spirits and herself. The structure of this divination is rooted in the phases on the moon and seasons (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.)

*What is the 4:12 Oracle Divination Spread?


    I had hit rock bottom and was searching for myself and a path towards healing. With her guidance, I have been on a journey that has totally changed me for the better. I have become a stronger, more confident, shinier person who knows their worth. I have better boundaries and ways to communicate with others which I had not had before as a chronic people pleaser. Alexandra meets you where you are at and gently guides you through your issues whether it be relationships, career or any other issue you might be facing in your life. She encourages you to look deeper. If one method does not work she offers many other options that you can try and see if it works better or is more comfortable for you. You will get no bullshit from her! She will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want but in the kindest way possible. I cannot state how grateful I am to have worked with her. Working with Alexandra has helped me get to where I always wished I could be; no longer isolated from the human experience. There is no better investment than one in which you go on the path to be the truest version of yourself. I look at how far I have come with Alexandra and am amazed at how much I have grown and you will too.

    -Jenna Chen

  • I didn’t quite know what to expect when I had a session ...

    With Alexandra. I only knew that she seemed tapped into something, and that I wanted guidance. She held a container where I could ask questions with no fear of judgement whatsoever. I was shocked at how I was able to tap into feelings that were masked under anger and fear, and get real, practical guidance on how to work through the rough stuff. I am very sensitive to motives, and hers are as pure as they come. I am so grateful for her willingness to mentor us through these complicated times. We are lucky to have her wisdom, love, and support.

    -Tara Weidman

  • Alexandra is an amazing coach, mentor, spiritual guide...

    I recently had a session with her as I was struggling and wanted to get unstuck. She is so affirming. Wise beyond her years. I was so inspired, I signed up for her online course. Super excited her powerful voice is changing our world.

    -Tracey Adams

  • want you to know how deeply powerful these past 6 months...

    Have been for me in how I relate myself and origins to being on the Anti-Racist journey. I have opened so much to remembering where my soul has been before and learned so much more magic and clear medicine from my ancestors during this time and with your course. I feel a much more organic awareness to infinitely being committed to accomplice heart and action and being on the bridge to unity always dancing in me. What a gift I have felt learning from you and so much has been becoming beloved community as well in my SINE Network work too. What a door you have helped me open and freely am moved to creatively understand artivist/activist that is in my medicine women ancient roots that has always been present in my spirit and will continue to hold space for in this lifetime. Thank you thank you for challenging me and teaching me. May you and your teaching be so so blessed into the future.

    -Sommer Joy Ramer