

“The intimacy we desire in love and relationships is divinely coded within us. We are intended to be in intimately connected relational systems. As women, we naturally answer this divine call by seeking these connections in our own unique ways. And so, we satisfy our own desires as well as inspiring healing connectivity in the community around us.” Aya Iworiosa

The majority of women I work with experience tremendous insight and transformation by way of their relationship journeys, especially when it comes to romantic partnerships.

However, some of us are stuck in relationship patterns that make us crazy. We experience dating deserts that seem to go on for months, even years. Some of us haunted by someone we can’t just cant get over. And many of us are recovering from emotionally abusive exes. All of our experiences, even the terrible ones, contribute to calling in what we really desire. Sometimes it is a challenge to embody, but we must remember that we are also made to receive love in abundance…easier said than done.

‘When does the love journey start to get get good?’

‘How I call in a relationship that nourishes and me grow in a healthy way?’

I have personally been to the loneliest dark place when it comes to love and relationships. That part of my life as very similar to most of the women clients I support. Many of the women I work with find themselves insecurely operating from a place of fear that they are never going to experience healthy, beautiful relationships. They don’t feel like they are truly acknowledged for the gifts they bring to their partners. They are stuck in patterns of dating the same type of partner over and over again. Even worse, many of them are recovering from emotionally abusive relationships. Ultimately many of them felt like they had been cursed by the spirit of love.

Though I spent many years there, I get myself and many women to the other side. On the other side, there are love experiences that will help heal your heart. There are people who will restore your faith in the possibilities of creating nourishing connections in your love life. And there are beautiful relationships that will make your soul sing.

Those who have arrived at this page are ready to change the course of their Love Life, evolve relationship they currently in, finally move on from old partners, break bizarre patterns, or simply create a Love Life that is nourishing to their soul.

The work of healing from what has happened and creating what you desire most in your love life always starts within you. To really align with what you desire is a spiritual path (spiritual: from within your true self (not religious. )

I am here to support you in that journey holding the unwavering belief that you get love, yes you. Book a session today and let get you on the path.

Free Resources

Check out the Garden Gazette:weekly videos on Love & Relationships and Roots: Spirit & Ancestors. Subscribers get access to new videos and the video archive.

“I gained so much from participating in the Juicy Love Life program. I was able to get clarity around what I wanted in my life and to start believing that the universe is listening and able to give me what I want. Before taking the Juicy Love Life program I was attracting partners that were the same “old thing”. I was tired of doing the same thing and expecting different results, (definition of insanity). As I started the program I felt supported by other women and knew if I was struggling, I wasn’t alone. Alexandra made it safe for me to open up and share my struggles with the group and to get support from the community. I highly recommend this program for other women as you can create the kind of life you have always dreamed of. I am now attracting the kind of partners I want and am excited about the future. My goddess is alive and well inside of me! The Juicy Love Life program helped bring my goddess alive and made her powerful. All women deserve to feel this way!!!”

— Melissa M., Portland, OR

Who knew that the trajectory of my love life could change in such a short time. Thank Goddess for Alexandra and the Juicy Love Life!!! I was stuck. Stuck in the same relationship patterns & even the same loop of lovers, for years. In these relationships I was a convenience, not a priority. In order for my love life to get to the next level, I needed tools and guidance…a boost. Goddess, did I get it!!!

In order for the rise, we had to go deep & it has been a journey. Alexandra, truly, gets to the core of what’s holding you back from getting everything you desire and deserve. Her insight and wisdom, in the realms of love/relationship/and romance is beyond valuable. The lightbulb moments, the clarity I gained from her, I will carry with me forever. The way I view myself and relationship, my worth, my value… I don’t ever have to compromise what I want again & I can have everything I desire. Thanks to Alexandra, I now have the tools to much juicier love life. I wish I had this 20 years ago! Every woman should give herself the gift of this course. You deserve your every hearts desire and, take it from me, you can have it!

Sirkka Aho