My Love Journey

When it comes to love and relationships, I know the journey has been confusing and rough for many of us. My own Love Life, back then, was not a fun experience. It used to make me cry, often. The experience of dating felt like a joke was being played on me and I felt like I could not escape bizarre patterns that would break my heart over and over again. Though I had a deep inner desire to experience healthy partnership and nourishing love, I felt diminished by my Love Life experiences. I started to ask for and get accustomed to the bare minimum from potential partners and, sadly, I received less. Interestingly, I saw these similar patterns in some of my platonic friendships. This experience bred desperation (love repellent), unforgiving loneliness, and poor boundaries. It seemed like everyone but me got an invitation to experience nourishing intimacy in partnerships or at least they got better chances. I often obsessed over the thought…


A friend said to me “Remember, you are the gift.” When I realized that this was hard for me to accept, I knew that I needed to work with myself deeply to turn things around. I transformed; I learned that I was worthy of better. I made better relationships with my divine team to help me manifest the desires of my heart.  I learned to let go of past relationships in a lasting way. I developed a sense of awareness that helped me end patterns that were holding me back. Along with the support of Spiritual helpers and guidance from mentors and coaches, my Love Life changed, drastically. My dating and partner experiences started to be a closer match to what I desired to experience.

I was able to accept the invitation into the world of healthy potential partners. In beautiful synchronicity, my friendships and familial relations improved too.Today I am experiencing abundance, joy, and awesome spiritual evolution in my partnership. I experience mutual honor, trust, and respect. The desires that I had for a partner in my life were met plus more good stuff I did not expect. At one time I did not think this could even happen for me. Now I know…

“I am worthy of this experience. The magic and Spiritual energy surrounding us is healing. I say this with full sincerity, my relationship feels better than I could have dreamed. This partnership is sacred.“